Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Top 10 of 2008...

I have decided to make a top 10 list of 2008. (Don't worry about the order)

  1. Athrun turned 1 year old.

  2. Took a trip to Mesquite, and got sick.

  3. Went to Vegas for a Funeral, and got sick.

  4. Moved in with the In-Laws.

  5. Allan got Cancer

  6. Moved from Provo to Orem.

  7. Got a new ring

  8. Turned 20

  9. Got sealed in the Salt Lake Temple

  10. Got called to teach the 8 yr. olds in church

  11. Started working at the Family Business

I am hoping that 2009 will be better than 2008. I hope for more happiness and a lot more health. :D I am hoping (a lot) that we can add to our family. (fingers crossed) I am wanting to start m life in regards to career, so I can support my Family in the future. Best wishes to all who read this. May the Lord bless you in 2009. XOXO


Charlene+Ben=Hesses Forever said...

What's the "Family Business"?

Sydnee said...

oh I work at the family store in Provo. Provo Art and Frame.