Yesterday i had a very serious wake up call. It was brought to my attention that we are on the verge of another depression. WHOA!!! My father in law came home last night and gave us all a "fun" fact. Here it is: If you had 1 Million dollars to spend everyday since the time Christ was born, it would NOT equal or come even close to how much congress has spent this week. HOLY CRAP!! And i thought i spent alot of money.. That is too many zero's. So Allan and I's priorities have been moved and some have been taken out. 1. We are NOT moving. there is no way we can afford it now, espicially now that the economy is so bad. Plus, we are perfectly safe and welcme here. I know its not my own space but atleast its a nice warm home to come home to everyday. 2. SAVE SAVE SAVE as much money as we can. We will need all the money we can save. If we go into another depression, i want money to support my family with. I have a HUGE problem with money. I like to spend it when i get it. It is one of my many flaws. But thats not the point is that i learn to save and only get what is a must, can't live with out kinda thing.
The end of the world is coming. I know for a fact i wont see it, but my children will. Ezra Taft Benson said," When the end of the world comes it will be a nuclear Holocaust." OUCH!!
I will be honest, I am SO scared out of my mind about the economy. Allan and i could lose our jobs and then what do we do?? My work has slowed down a little. Allans job has slowed down so much they had to take out a loan to make pay-roll. :( HOWEVER, I know that if i stay close to the Lord, everything will be ok. I am going to make it a HUGE goal to go to the Temple atleast 1 day a week. Now that we have NO money that will be our date nights. My goals and priorities have been rearranged and now its time to put them into action.
5 years ago
Hey Sydnee! We should go to the temple together. I agree so much with you about the economy. It is so scary and so risky right now. But like you said, we just need to stay close to Heavenly Fathers council.
We were never taught about saving money and not spending it. I know how that is. I used to spend tonz of money, and now I have a hard time buying anything unless it is something that I really need or it is such a good deal.
Mark and I are now in Orem living with his parents until we can find a place. We are thinking about buying a place. But the right place has not come along. And we really have no rush. I have a good job and we have a place to stay. But I don't think our real estate agent doesn't understand that.
Hey Diana- We should totally go to the temple. My only day off is Fridays. :( so let me know when is good for you and i can get if off or work something out.
Hey Ash- Yeah It has been really hard for me and allan with money issues. so hopefully now i can learn to save money and not spend it all and get only what i really need. Hey we should go to the temple some time too. That would be way fun.
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