Back in April, Allan and i found out that he had Testicular Cancer. My first thought was, "why us?" "why now?" We scheduled the surgery, and waited for the day to arrive... which was a few days later. We go in to the hospital sign in and wait. After a few long min the doctors call allan back and tell him that the doctors are waiting for him so we have to hurry and get him preped. Well i looked at him in that paper thin robe they give you and i started to cry. DUH!! My husband is going into surgery and something could go wrong and i could loose him and i would raise Athrun all alone. I freaked out on the inside. He looked at me and said," you need to be strong, and not cry because if you cry i will start." It was supposed to take an hour. did it? NO!! he went in at about 8:30 ish and we didnt see him until about 1 pm. I had to go back and ask if he was out like 3 times. I wanted to know if my husband was ok and not dead. But the last time i asked they said he was out and in the room behind me. I turned around and he was alive. I have never been so happy to see my husband alive until i saw him. Well they had gotten all the cancer out and wanted to do scans on him every 3 months for 5 years, and once a year for 10 years after that. We just had a scan September 19, 2008 and it was negative. I thank the Lord that he is ok.
So back to my title... everything works out... Well we had a huge yard sale back in August and we had made enough to pay off 3 doctors. But we didnt because we had to pay rent. GRRR! However, we had a van that we were trying to sell as well to pay for medical bills. Well just recently our car needed some work. The battery was dying and an axle seal needed to be fixed, and our tail light was broken. We had absolutely NO money. Seriously we were Dirt Poor. (A little back track note, I had put the van on and waited to get calls on the van.) So on Saturday allan called me and told me that some guy wanted to look at the van. I was hoping that they would buy it so we could use the money. Later that night around 5 ish he got a call from the guy telling him that they wanted the van. Our prayers were answered. We asked enough to pay off the medical bills and to fix the car.
All in all, be faithfull, and put your car on LOL. Everything will work out if you are faithful. The Lord know you and what you need. I can not tell you how much my testimony has grown in the last few months. I am so greatful I am a member of his church. ( wow this sounds like fast and testimony meeting) But every word i say and type is true.
5 years ago
Love the background!! That is such great news! I am glad things are working out for you guys!
thank you. i really like yours too.
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