Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Utter Disappointment....

Well my feelings were correct! Barak Obama, the first black man is president. whoopty freaking do!!! Its great that we have elected a person who is far from qualified to run this country, who has never passed a bill in his office of Senator, He is not a United States citizen, and he associates with terrorists. OH!! What a great job on Americas part. He is going to run this country in the the ground if not farther. I am NOT a racist if that is what you are thinking.... oh if it was the other way around i would still be Pissed off!! We need some one who know what to do, and how to do it! It's great that we have the first Black president elected ever in history, but he is not qualified, and not a legal born citizen of the United States. All my freedoms will be taken away, taxes will get so high that no one will be able to afford anything, gas will sky rocket again, people i love dearly will be with out jobs, our military will be non existent, my loved ones might loose every thing because of debt, and its is all thanks to people who are not informed about politics. they believe what they hear on CNN or the news, places that DO NOT give whole truths, places like Universities. People who say "if you don't pay higher taxes, you are not a Patriot." And believe it?! That is Bull SH**! That is a Dictatorship. That is what our country will become, A socialist, dictatorship for the next 4 years. You mark my word here and now.... Obama will tear this country apart, and when there is another terrorist attack like September 11, and Obama does nothing, that is our president. He will run the greatest and strongest country in the dirt. We were the greatest and strongest country prior to yesterday, now we are the weakest country on the planet. I am so proud of my country on the decision they have made. Way to go!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The next 4 years...

My life is about to change tomorrow, and i will be honest.... I am so deathly afraid. I was sitting at my kitchen table today and i got this very bad feeling in my stomach. I dont know if it was from eating to much candy or if the spirit is telling me that the next 4 years will not be good. but either way i do not have a good feeling about the outcome of the election tomorrow. The fate of the free world will be decided for the next 4 years. Satan is in full force now and he is using Obama. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about my very good friends voting the most evil person that could ever walk the Earth. He is a Terrorist. I believe that if you associate with bad people you are a bad person. He associates with Terrorists, so in my opinion he is the most evil terrorist alive. My only hope comes from telling my self that i HAVE to cling to the Lord, with all my might, ming, heart and strenghth if he is elected. And when to world goes to HELL, i will not feel sorry for those who voted for him. I will not have pity on them either. I just hope that they ( people who are thinking about voting for him) will really listen to their heart and do the right thing. I am so worried about tommorow that i am making me sick to my stomach. All i can do is pray for my family and their saftey for the next 4 years.