Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Moon Fever!!

I saw new moon last night. Oh My Heavens!! Jacob Black is soooo sexy!! It was better than twilight! I personal think that Vampires are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo over rated! :D I love werewolves!! It was done very well and i will so buy it when it comes out on DVD!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I have not posted in a long time. I have moved out, found a job, registered for Fall at UVU, found a job, moved into my new place, joined Envision, and now i am just waiting for the divorce to be final. I am also getting the help I have needed since my dad and mom got divorced when i was 8. I am moving toward being happy and healthy. I have lost about 15 pounds and loving it. My life is slowly getting semi back to normal. I am excited to see what the future holds for me. BRING IT ON!!! I am ready and waiting with open arms. I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Things come up...

As most of you know, Allan and I are divorcing. Things just didn't work out. I left him and later realised that i was loosing my family. I asked if I changed, got help, fixed problems would he consider staying together, He said,"I AM DONE!!!" So there ya go. I am getting the help i need. I am moving on with my life and trying to stay sane. I do not have custody of athrun right now, only because i do not have a stable home for him right now. But in a few years I will go to court to have that changed. I want to have a good job and a home for me and him. I plan on going to either Dental Assisting School or become a medical assistant. Life is moving on and so am I. I still have feelings for him and i love him but it just was not working anymore. Maybe in a few years down the road maybe not. Only time will tell. I will embrace change and:
"Come what may."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dream Job..

I might have my dream job... I might be the colorguard Director for Springville. They are supposed to call me some time to set up an interview and a teaching expericence thingy. I hope and pray i get this. I love doing guard and teaching it and getting paid for what i love to do, what more could i ask for? Sa-weeeet!!! But i will keep you posted on what goes down.

You tube...

As i was surfing you tube the other day, i came across a Dance Company from Korea. Wow they are amazing! There are a few dances that are just ah-mazing. The dancers are so beautiful. their lines, movements, are just so fluid. It is so inspiring. It makes ya want to be a dancer.
You to You Tube and search Kiaro Dance Company.

future career

I have decided what i want to do with the rest of my life. I am going to be a dental assistant. I am excited. They make great money and i can work a few days a week. It is wonderful. If i go full time i would be done in a year, but since athrun is not old enough to go to school, i will go part time. I dont know what school but i do know that i am doing dental assisting.
If any of you have any suggestions for schools or students loans please feel free to let me know. I am open to suggestions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stoked about Envision....

I am so stoked!! I have decided (with my husband in agreement) that i am going to do envision this year. I am so excited. I got a rifle from my awesome friend Lexie and i have started to practice again for Auditions. I have to say i was not as bad as i thought i was going to be. I have not spun since November of 2007 and i still got it. So I am DETERMINED to make rifle line this year. I have been practicing so hard on tosses and spins and little things. I will NOT settle for anything less than rifle line. I WILL make rifle line if it kills me. But auditions have not even started yet and i dont know when they will. But i will keep you posted on what happens.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I am so bummed. I am really sick of this winter weather. Spring started like 3 weeks ago and last time i checked winter is not for another 6-8 months. Although, when spring comes in like a "lion", it goes out like a "lamb" so maybe by the time lovely mother earth decides to send us beautiful warm weather it will be summer. GRRR! I want warm weather where i can wear "crapies"(Capries) and shorts. Not pants and sweaters. Maybe Mother Earth didnt get the memo pertaining the season change? Hmmmm? Makes sense, right?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Winter guard....

So I have decided to choreograph a winter guard show. I have a song but its 5 min long and i know that is too long. but if i could cut the first 25 sec of the song it would be perfect. Although i could do the dance part of it now, i dont have a flag or a rifle to do choreography. :( which poses a problem in starting. But i have asked around to friends, and i am waiting to hear from them.
However if i can practice now i may just tryout for envision next year. But it is a huge MAYBE. I miss colorguard so much. I miss learning new things and the comps. Those are the funnest part of the season.
It is a work in progress. I am excited to have a hobby and maybe have a small guard of my own some day. I know i am not a pro dancer, but i learn and catch on VERY fast and it would not be too hard to come up with dance and flag and rifle movements. I had a wonerful guard director in high school and she has taught me so much.
I will keep you posted

Monday, March 23, 2009

happenings and awesome ideas....

I am not sure what to blog about today... Not much had happened.
~We got our new phones, and they are the coolest.
~I had my first week in the deli and i sliced my finger, not bad but it is healed nicely. It hurt so bad. I love it in the Deli. I am ALWAYS busy doing stuff. cleaning and cooking. It was a good move i will have to say. :D
~I bought Twilight. I love the movie, and cant wait to see the next one later this year. I hope it is good and not a crappy movie.
~ The store ( Provo Art and Frame) got robbed Saturday. No one got hurt. We all think it was an employee. No one else knows where the money is... But we have our suspicions who it was. I just dont know why they would do that.
So thats what has happened. Not very exciting i know, but what can you do?
Although i had an idea..
I want to choreograph a simple winter guard show. I miss Guard so much. So i know i am not a professional dancer but it would be fun for me. I get so bored and it would be a little hobby. I now need to find a song to start the process. not that i would have a guard of my own but maybe some day... ya never know....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Phone...

So Friday i really wanted to go out on a date with my honey. I didnt care where we went as long as we go ALONE time to our selves. We decided to go to the Verison phone store. * side note- our phones are horrible and we hate Tmobile* So before we left, i had called Tmobile and asked when our contracts end, and they end the 21, this saturday. I was soooo excited. We head off to the Mall and visit the Verison store. We wanted to get an idea of what kind of phones we wanted and get a price range. We found the coolest, and most perfect phones. The Blackberry Storm. They are having a great deal where if you buy a blackberry you get one free. WOW!! What a deal! I am the kind of person who looks and lives for killer deals, and this is a killer deal. I am sooooo Excited. We have to wait till at least Next Sunday for our contract to totally end, and then wait till we get our tax return. So I can not wait to get a new phone and a new number. ( oh if any of you would like my new number when i get it please let me know and i will get it to you.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Outraged and Livid...

I am so PISSED right now!!! My friend sent an invite on Facebook saying," STOP HBO from releasing sacred Temple Ordinances." I was like what no way!! So i Googled it. i put in HBO LDS and i found the website. It is about this Ex- LDS guy who went to HBO and they are doing a show or movie about what happens in the Temple. they have costumes and stuff. they have a picture of the costumes. I read some of the comments that people were saying. I just started to cry. People just dont get it. It is very sacred. they were saying stuff like we are a cult and it is good that it is coming out. Just check out this website or google it. I just dont get it. Why people do stuff like that? Of ALL people to do this... and ex-LDS member who knows what he is doing is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong. I just cry thinking that this world is sooo corrupt now and it will only get worse. so check out the website or google it. google HBO LDS. it is the 3 one down. my only question is: WHY????

Monday, March 9, 2009

Potty Training time...

Today marks the beginning of a new trial. POTTY TRAINING!! Athrun is such a smart boy and we all think that it is time to start down the road of becoming a big boy. So today i was in the bathroom getting ready for the day, when i hear grunting noises, i look over and athrun is trying to poo. So we hurried and put him on the his potty and about 30 sec later he says," pee-pee." And sure enough he had peeded in his potty for the very first time. I was sooo proud of him. So we washed up and put our potty chart stickers on our chart and got some "chocolate" ( they were reese pieces) So i had to post and brag about our first potty training experience. It is a LONG road ahead of us but it will be fun. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Priorities...

Yesterday i had a very serious wake up call. It was brought to my attention that we are on the verge of another depression. WHOA!!! My father in law came home last night and gave us all a "fun" fact. Here it is: If you had 1 Million dollars to spend everyday since the time Christ was born, it would NOT equal or come even close to how much congress has spent this week. HOLY CRAP!! And i thought i spent alot of money.. That is too many zero's. So Allan and I's priorities have been moved and some have been taken out. 1. We are NOT moving. there is no way we can afford it now, espicially now that the economy is so bad. Plus, we are perfectly safe and welcme here. I know its not my own space but atleast its a nice warm home to come home to everyday. 2. SAVE SAVE SAVE as much money as we can. We will need all the money we can save. If we go into another depression, i want money to support my family with. I have a HUGE problem with money. I like to spend it when i get it. It is one of my many flaws. But thats not the point is that i learn to save and only get what is a must, can't live with out kinda thing.

The end of the world is coming. I know for a fact i wont see it, but my children will. Ezra Taft Benson said," When the end of the world comes it will be a nuclear Holocaust." OUCH!!

I will be honest, I am SO scared out of my mind about the economy. Allan and i could lose our jobs and then what do we do?? My work has slowed down a little. Allans job has slowed down so much they had to take out a loan to make pay-roll. :( HOWEVER, I know that if i stay close to the Lord, everything will be ok. I am going to make it a HUGE goal to go to the Temple atleast 1 day a week. Now that we have NO money that will be our date nights. My goals and priorities have been rearranged and now its time to put them into action.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A new place of my own may be in the future...

Saturday i was at good 'ol Walmart and Allan's friend Josh called me and told me that the landlord of his building was intersted in waiting until April or May to rent us an apartment in his building. Well you see i had call the Landlord a couple months ago, (thanks to Audra giving me his number) and told his wife that we were looking to move at the end of April Beginning of May. And that we are very interested in the apartment. But that was the last i heard about the apartment, until Saturday. It is a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom right next door to Allan's friend Josh, and our other friends Tim and Audra live in the next building down the street. They are looking for clean people. I am guessing that the people before were messy. They have turned down a bunch of people and are looking for the right ones. So we are going to pray about it and see what happens. I think that with the landlord willing to wait is a good sign and i know Heavenly Father is looking out for the Anderson Family. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A little about Allan and Me (thanks Kelsey)

This is kind of like the 25 things - except there are pre-decided questions and it's about you and your spouse, not just you. Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know!

♥ What are your middle names? Adam & Michele

♥ How long have you been together? Married for 21 months

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? 2 months

♥ Who asked who out? Allan asked me

♥ How old are each of you? he is 21 and i am 20

♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most? probably mine???

♥ Do you have any children together? 1.. Athrun

♥ What about pets? Not yet...

♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? not seeing much of each other.

♥ Did you go to the same school? NO!!

♥ Are you from the same home town? yes

♥ Who is the smartest? I would have to say Allan...

♥ Who is the most sensitive? ME

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? the Kitchen

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Mesquite, Nevada

♥ Who has the worst temper? Both of us.

♥ Who does the cooking? me

♥ Who is more social? Definately me

♥Who is the neat Freak? i would say i am, but he is pretty neat himself

♥ Who is the more stubborn? We both are so stubborn

♥ Who hogs the bed? Our son....

♥ Who wakes up earlier? Allan

♥ Where was your first date? in his suburban, driving all over town getting to know each other

♥ Who has the bigger family? Allan 100%

♥ Do you get flowers often? No- dont really care for flowers

♥ How do you spend the holidays? we alternate between families

♥ Who snores louder? ALLAN!!!

♥ Who goes to bed first? usually we go together, but if not Allan does

♥ Who is more jealous? We both get jealous...

♥ How long did it take to get serious? when we found i was pregnant...

♥ Who eats more? What are we eating? Allan- Anything and Everything

♥ Who does/ did the laundry? I ALWAYS do

♥ Who’s better with the computer? Allan

♥ Who drives when you are together? 95 % of the time Allan does.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Moving up...

So yesterday at work there is a sign by the time clock saying there is a few night positions available in the Deli. And i work nights. So i go talk to the deli Managers and tell them that i am VERY interested. They tell me to change a few things on my preferences on the wire, (its confusing to explain) and to get my Food Handlers. I ask if it pays more than a Cashier, which is a tier 3 and the Deli Associates are a tier 5. they are the highest paid sales Associates. Sweet! So next Tuesday i am going to get my Food Handlers Permit. I am so excited. I am not a huge fan of being a cashier. I am confined to a small space, and i love to move around. This could not have come at a better time. The Lord is really blessing me and my family. I am so greatful for this happening. Ill let ya know what happens.

Monday, February 23, 2009

How well do you know your Hubby??

Here's a chance to see how well you really know your husband.

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? The Military, Outdoor, History channel.
2. You're out to eat- what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Blue Cheese

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Spagetti

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? Water or a lemonade

5. Where did he go to high school? Liahona Academy

6. What size shoe does he wear? 10

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? guns and gun related items

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? A hot and cold one

9. What would this person eat every day if he could? mac and cheese or hotdogs

10. What is his favorite cereal? He hates it!!

11. What would he never wear? Lingere

12. What is his favorite sports team? He doesnt watch sports

13. Who did he vote for President? McCain.

14. Who is his best friend? ME!! Then his Dad

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Spend money

16. What is his heritage? Irish

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? German Chocolate

18. Did he play sports in high school? No

19. What could he spend hours doing? reloading bullets, shooting, buying guns and ammunition, talking about guns, hunting, guns, guns, and more guns

20. What is one unique talent he has? putting up with me... He is an AMAZING father.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I feel trapped..

So today during the day, i got this heavy feeling like i was trapped in a tiny room and i had no where to go. It made me so darn depressed. I was so down that the littlest thing made me cry, i usually never cry for no reason, except when my Annoying red headed aunt comes into town once a month. So i was thinking why i was feeling like this and its because i want out of my In-Laws and in my own place but we have NO money to move. Well we could do it with our tax return or wait until, when pigs fly, in April or May. I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!! The more and more i am here the more and more i get depressed. I start hating my life, church, even family. I HATE it here. Don't get me wrong i Absolutely love my in laws. They help a bunch and have helped in many ways, but its getting to the point that its getting super bad. Every thing now gets on my nerves and it never used to. I am now glad to go to work, when i avoided it. I baracade my self in my room when i am home. It is getting really bad. I get my hope up and they get crushed like a Semi running over an ant. You would think that i would learn not to get my hopes up considering my past. (GRRRR!!!) I never learn. I am just not happy any more. I put on a front of looking happy and everything is Happy-go-lucky, but inside i am so hurt and nothing is helping. I needed to get this out some how and this is like my journal. Its the only thing i trust that wont JUDGE me for my feelings. I am at the very end of my rope like the last string at the end of the rope. Sorry for this post but it needed to come out or i would have blown up at a few people. If anyone has any suggestions, ANY at all, please feel free to share. xoxo

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I am so excited to be selling Avon. I am my own boss and work the hrs i want. It's a great job to have extra money or fun money or Just in case money. It was only $10 dollars for registration. And whatever money you put into it you will get back within the first 2 orders. You can quit anytime and the more you sell the more money you get back. I have 4 customers already and i am so proud of my self. If any of you are interested or have ? please don't heistate to ask. I would love to help out. I have a website too that you can order from, It's Or if you have friends or family that you think might be interested, please let me know and i would love to contact them, or have them go to my website.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Il Divo

So today i am on line waiting for tickets to go on sale. My nana and me and my mom (maybe) are going to a concert at Mandalay Bay in July. We are going to see IL DIVO! They are an amazing 4 man group who sing pop song in an operatic style. They are AMAZING! Their names are Carlos, Urs, Sebastian, and David. They have the most amazing voices. They blend sooooo well, it sounds like one person is singing. They are from all over the world. Carlos is from Spain, Urs is from Switserland, Sebastian is from France and David is from United States. I am so excited to buy tickets and go see them. My nana is the one who got me into them. She has ALL of the dvd's and a cd. I can't wait to go and see them. I'll keep you updated.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am selling Avon!!!

Today i had a visit with a representative from Avon. It was awesome. It seems really cool and fun. So if you are interested in selling or buying please let me know and i would love to help. I needed extra money and since Walmart wont give the hours i need, i decided to sell Avon. let me know if you are interested by facebook or my blog. Or call or txt me @ 1-801-471-4113.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First letter...

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. . .nothing made up! You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Sydnee

2. A four Letter Word: Sage

3. A boy's Name: Steven

4. A Girl's Name: Samantha

5. An occupation: School Teacher

6. A color: Saphire

7. Something you wear: Shirt

8. A food: Strawberry

9. Something found in the bathroom: Sink

10. A place: South Dakota

11. A reason for being late: Served with papers

12. Something you shout: SERIOUSLY!!

13. A movie title: Serving Sara

14. Something you drink: Snapple

15. A musical group: Savage Garden

16. An animal: Snake

17. A street name: S Street

18. A type of car: Saturn

19. The title of a song: She Hates Me

20. A candy: Skittles

21. A cereal: Special K

22. Something you hate: Stuck up People

23. Something found in a school: Singing

24. A historical person: Socrates

25. A type of dog: Spaniel

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I hope this works...

I hope this works. I changed a few settings. if you are reading this please post a comment yea or nay on if you can view my blog... so sorry for the inconvience. :(

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One word...

1. Where is your mobile phone? bedroom
2. Your significant other? Allan
3. Your hair? brownish
4. Your mother? distant
5. Your father? Wonderful
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? weird
8. Your favorite drink? Soda
9. Your dream/goal? Eternity
10. The room you're in? family-room
11. Your ex? CRAZY!!!
12. Your fear? Death
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
14. Where were you last night? Home
15. What you're not? skinny
16. Muffins? YUMMY!!
17. One of your wish list items? Lipo
18. Where you grew up? Utah
19. The last thing you did? Orientation
20. What are you wearing? Black
21. Your TV? 42"
22. Your pets? None
23. Your computer? Slow
24. Your life? Wonderful
25. Your mood? Excited
26. Missing someone? Hubby
27. Your car? GrandAm
28. Something you're not wearing? Socks
29. Favorite Store? Target
30. Your summer? short
31. Like someone? Husband
32. Your favorite color? Green
33. When is the last time you laughed? evening
34. Last time you cried? ?????
35. Last person to text you? Hubby
36. Told I Love You? Hubby
37. Wish you could take back? Past
38. Your Best Friend? Hubby
39. Your best quality? Eyes
40. Most memorable moment? Temple

Monday, January 19, 2009

Allan and Sydnee in a nut shell...

1. Where did you meet?At a Halloween Party in 2006.
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met? What a cute guy.
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing?His Led Zeplin T-shirt.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?At the Halloween party.
5. Where did you go for your first date? We drove around orem, lindon just talking and hanging out.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?About 1 1/2 months.
7. How did he/she ask you out?He said,"You know what? you should be MY girl."
8. How did he propose to you?He had to "work a few hours" and he wanted to take me out. First he took me bowling, and i kicked his booty. Then we went to the Brick Oven and had a yummy dinner. I was really cold and he asked if i wanted his jacket and i said yes. He had taken something out of one of the pockets and gave it to me. After dinner we walked up by Raper's Park for a while. After a long time of walking, he stopped and go in front of me. He kissed me and took the box out of his pocket, and got down on one knee. I immedeately started to cry. He said he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He put the ring on and asked those 4 magic words every girl wants to hear," Will you Marry Me?" I said yes and the rest is history.
9.Do you and this person have kids together?Yes, 1 boy.
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?nope
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?When he left the halloween party.
12. Do you trust this person?Yes!
13. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future?Yes!
14. What is the best gift she/he gave you?Hmmm.... I will have to say my Son.
15. What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves?He NEVER puts his dirty clothes in the basket in the closet.
16. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?Together with our family and our life ahead of us.
17. What causes the most arguments?Me....&Money
18. How long have you been together?About 3 years.
19. Are you Married?Yes
20. Who Do you Tag?I don't tag....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Job...

I was in Walmart today ( how ironic) and i got a call from a girl who worked at Walmart, and told me that they got my results and they wanted to know if i could come to orientation on Tuesday from 9 am to 4 pm... I was so excited and my prayers were answered. I am so thankful that they were. So i now work at Walmart in Orem as a cashier. So those of you who read this and shop there, look for me and i could be your next cashier. I couldnt be happier about this. So i was doing some math and i figured that we can move out in March or April instead of May or June. I am so happy. :D I dont know if that is a good thing or not that i want to move out sooner or not... :{ oh well i am just SUPER excited about this and i had to share it with all of y'all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rollin' in the Dough...

I got a call from a lady saying that she would like to set up and interview and hire me. So i go to this place and have the interview and it goes well and she wants to set up a 2 interview. I am thinking "yes I am looking good" So i go to the 2 interview and that goes extremely well and they are very interested in hiring me..... but i need to pass a drug test and pass a criminal backround test. HA! I head over to WorkMed by the Orem community hospital, take it and now i am sitting here waiting for my call saying when and where Orientation is at. Oh, sorry you are probable sitting here reading this saying "oh thats wonderful!" and "congrats but where did you get the job at?" I will tell you. WALMART!! I am so freaking excited. Many people are telling me that they work you to death and they dont treat their employees good, but seriously think about that for a minute.......1......2.....3..... If they pride themselves on Customer Service and making the customer happy, wouldnt they try to make their employees happy? Makes sense. No employees, means no customers. :D So any how i am super excited and they have already offered me a wage, and its more than i thought. So to those who are looking for a job Wal-Mart is Hiring and the wage is pretty sweet. Stay tuned!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Hair Nightmare...

Back in December i wanted to color my hair. So i bought a Dark brown box hair color. I know the longer you leave it in the darker it gets, boy was i right. I left it in TOO long. It turned my hair black. I actually liked it until my hair grew out. Then i decided that i want my brown hair back. So i got a Color pretty darn close to my natural hair color. So i had LueAnna do it, and i was set to have my hair back to normal. HA! Not even close. My roots turned a Blonde color, and the rest of my hair did not even color at all. So I called Fantastic Sams by our house and they said i would have to bleach my hair and the re-color it. I was so bummed my hair didn't turn out the way i wanted it to. So LueAnna found some professional hair color in her closet that she uses on her hair. It was a light golden brown. It made my roots 1000% better and my hair is not as black, its a dark brown with some red tints. I kinda like it. :D So in 6 more weeks i can go to a PRO and have it done the way i want it. I will NEVER color my hair with box color. I learned that if i want to color my hair to do it 2-3 shades lighter or darker than my natual color. Not Black. xoxo

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So for a few months Allan and I have been living with his parents for a few months. Dont get me wrong i love them but it is getting a little much. I miss having my OWN home to cook and clean and have my OWN privacy. We hung out with friends the other day and i loved the feel of their apartment. I miss being on my own and not dealing with annoying family everytime they visit. So Allan and I are sitting down and disscussing this topic until the cows come home. I want to reach a decision that we have a dead line to move out. So i hope we can move out very very soon. I love my family, but there gets to ba a point that it is enough and time to have privacy and make a home for my self. But who knows we could be stuck here for a year or more.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My life has begun...

Well I have decided what i want to be when i grow up. I am going to Dallas Roberts Hair Academy in September. I am super excited. You may ask why in September and i will tell you. I need to pay for it and it is not cheap. it will cost me $10,850 to go to school. I am going to get a night job (hopefully) and earn money for some of it, and apply for federal grants and student loans. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. It's not like some jobs where if you mess up you can fix it or start over, no if i mess up, i mess up some ones hair. Yes it will grow back but thats not the point. I am the kind of person who messes up a lot and i will have to have a lot of self control and SLOW down. but I am so excited. My excitement is like a volcano, I can't hold it in i have to release it. :D Ill keep updates on my progress toward my future career in Hair. And who knows, i could become this amazing Hair dresser and do hair for Celebrities. LOL I have all the potential in the world with this and i am ready to accept it with open arms and an open mind. BRING IT ON!!!! I am ready!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Results...

Well Athrun and I went to the doctor yesterday and the Diagnosis is that he has a small ear infection, with a little bit of pneumona. So the Dr. prescribed a Very strong Anti-biotic and Albuterol. He said that the bug is making Athrun react Asthmatic, But he does NOT have Asthma. PHEW! I am so glad i took him in when i did. The doctor said that he does not have RSV, but has all the symptoms. So he is taking Albuterol for his lungs and to help him breath, and Azithromyicin to kill the bug. Thank the Lord for medicine. In a week we have a follow up and he should be better. Ill keep ya posted. xoxo

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It will happen eventually....

Well About a week ago Athrun got sick. It was the symptoms of a common cold. Well it has not gotten better, and it sounds like it may have gotten a little worse. So i jumped on to and i searched for RSV and he has 4 out of the 5 symptoms, plus 1. I am very proud to say that since he has been born, 16 1/2 months ago, he has not been sick. Sure he has thrown up, but not a cold or the flu or any of that stuff. But i am worried because i have heard that RSV can become Pneumona. That worries me a lot. So tommorrow i am headed to the doctor whether it is a blizzard or not. I dont want this to get worse or life threatening. I'll keep ya posted. XOXO

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Top 10 of 2008...

I have decided to make a top 10 list of 2008. (Don't worry about the order)

  1. Athrun turned 1 year old.

  2. Took a trip to Mesquite, and got sick.

  3. Went to Vegas for a Funeral, and got sick.

  4. Moved in with the In-Laws.

  5. Allan got Cancer

  6. Moved from Provo to Orem.

  7. Got a new ring

  8. Turned 20

  9. Got sealed in the Salt Lake Temple

  10. Got called to teach the 8 yr. olds in church

  11. Started working at the Family Business

I am hoping that 2009 will be better than 2008. I hope for more happiness and a lot more health. :D I am hoping (a lot) that we can add to our family. (fingers crossed) I am wanting to start m life in regards to career, so I can support my Family in the future. Best wishes to all who read this. May the Lord bless you in 2009. XOXO